Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lillydale Farmstay

All is going well here in Oz. Neil is making a steady recovery, he wears his brace at all times apart from night were he has to sleep flat on his back. He is being x rayed at the hospital each month to check how he is healing and is due again this Thursday but so far so good. Jessica is progressing well and is now 7 weeks old and still being very good. She has gained 1 and half kilograms and has started smiling!

We decided to take a little break this week as it was my 30th. We thought it would be fun to take Bradley to a farm stay, we found a really nice one at a place called Mount Barney which is about 3 hours south west from us. The children were angels for the journey but boy you need a lot of stuff to go away with 2 young children!

The farm was in the most amazing setting with Mount Barney as the backdrop as-well as many other mountains surrounding the area. We had a beautiful suite with a kitchen, bathroom, tv etc as well as a courtyard with 2 donkeys for company.

Bradley could feed the animals twice a day and you have free run around the farm. The feeding started with the chickens and collecting the eggs. Bradley was surprisingly gentle with no breakages! Next was the pig who definitely ate like a pig! He liked watermelon as a treat but after Bradley Paskin had a munch first! While the cow had her breakfast Bradley was allowed a ride! They also had wallabies which were very gentle on the fingers. The last animals were the sheep and the donkeys who made short work of there carrots.

We all went on a tractor ride around the property and I got to have a birthday horse ride were I spotted a very cute koala. Bradley really enjoyed being able to play on a big tractor and explore the farm in his wellies and hat! Defiantly a country boy!

On the way home we went inland and had a night at Toowoomba were we did a little exploring that seemed to involve lots of parks for Brads!

It was a great trip and we would love to go back to the farm again especially when everyone is more able!

Photos are in a slideshow (there is a lot!) but just click on one of them to view them all one by one with the captions if you wish!

A Day out in Brisbane

A few days before Neil's accident we headed to Brisbane for the day, to have our visas officially put in our passports. Neil fell before I had chance to share these photos with you so we thought we would backtrack! It was very nice to see the words 'can stay in Australia indefinitely' written in our passports. We had a lovely day using the train to get into Brisbane followed by going on the city cat which is the boat to get up and down the river that runs through the middle of the city. We had a lovely lunch and a paddle on the South bank followed by a ride on the Brisbane eye. Altogether a great day.

From Brisbane

From Brisbane

From Brisbane

From Brisbane

From Brisbane

From Brisbane

From Brisbane

From Brisbane

From Life Downunder