Bradley Luke Paskin was born at 11.13am on Wednesday 21st February, weighing 8 lb. and 4 oz.
He is a real cutie but I'm sure thats what all new parents say! Everyone he meets is very impressed by his head of hair and his Daddy is a bit jealous!!!
Everything went well, even though the birth plan went out the window; Bradley hadn't read the text books about first labours lasting days. My contractions started in the early hours, but Neil still went to work (and photographed a jetty on the way) as we thought it might be a while but he only got an hours painting done before he got the call to come home quickly! We went straight to hospital as the contractions were coming thick and fast, after 3 hours of heavy breathing, pulling Neil's t-shirt, digging nails in and a lot of grunting, he was delivered (amazingly with no pain relief).
Within the first second he let out a huge cry, showing off his lung power!
We are so delighted with him and only 2 days old he has already brought us so much joy!
Here's lots of photos of his first 2 days, probably a lot more to come! (remember to click on the photos to enlarge them).
We've just got home from the hospital, we will write more tomorrow but let me know if you want any more details!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
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Congratulations to both of you! Nothing is ever more special than your own kids. With such an easy first labor, I see at least 10 little Paskins in the future. :)
Easy!Thats not the first word that springs to mind! It was quick for a first baby but definitely painful!! We'll wait and see on the future paskins for now we will concentrate on Bradley! : )
Well, easy in the sense when compared to my firstborn, who decided she liked it just fine where she was in her mother's womb, all comfy and warm and without a care, thank you very much, and put up a 24 hour struggle against coming into the cold cruel world before the inevitable finally won out.
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