Sunday, June 17, 2007

A quiet weekend

As the winter cold grips the whole family, it makes life a little slow in the Paskin house.

A pretty normal week, Tanky spent a couple of days at the garage having some small repairs, hopefully the last for a while and we had a nippy little courtesy car to run around in.

I have now caught Neil's cold and Bradley is sure to be heading the same way. So a leisurely Saturday morning playing with Bradley...

Bradley's tummy time.

Then we had a visitor

...was followed by an afternoon up on 'the range'(the Blackall Range about 20 mins inland). We went to some falls we had seen marked on a map called Gardeners Falls, it was a short stroll along the river to the falls.There were some nice scenes there so no surprises Neil took some photos! We had a lovely picnic in the sun as in the shade is pretty cool now. Who said we wouldn't need a scarf in Australia!

A scene from the river bank.

Mother and son

Enjoying the outdoors!

We then carried on to visit Mapleton Falls of course with a coffee stop (well for Neil anyway as I am cutting dairy out my diet to see if it helps Bradley's digestion) so boring old fruit juice for me!

Mapleton Falls can be viewed from a platform at the car park but we decided to do a little circuit walk nearby anyway.

The view from the viewing platform.

The circuit walk.

Sunday was even lazier, mid afternoon we headed out to the shops to get a few supplies for Neil has he is leaving us next week to work away about 3 hours north near Bundaberg, I'm sure he'll have a terrible time staying near the beach, fishing and drinking with his mates! We went home via "Dunethin Rock" which we read was the 2nd biggest monolith in Oz after Ayres Rock and its only 25 mins away, it's not much too look at but nice views of the top!

The Paskins standing on Dunethin Rock

As we were in the neighbourhood we went to see the new house and explored a few local roads, we found a lovely long road with some lovely houses and lots of kangaroos grazing at the side of the road and in people's front gardens, cool!

Local Roo's

We look to be moving in about 2 weeks, it's all finished on the inside just the drive and patio to do.

Back at home Bradley was feeling quite chirpy and having a good chatter and scream(with delight) while lying on his lounger.

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