Sunday, July 12, 2009


Just a quick post to show you some up to date photos of the children.

Neil is now out of his brace and his off work for one more month to get strong enough to return to work.

The weeks are flying by, Jess is now 3 months old and is doing very well. She is very smily apart from when she is crying! She is a bit of a cuddle chops but is getting better but she is a good sleeper at night.

Jessica in the bath age 2 months

Our photogenic son in the bath (spot him when he's angry!)

After delivering a picture we took Bradley to a park which was fun but unfortunately headed in tears with Bradley falling from the ladder!

Bradley and Jess(age 2 months)

Another bath shot!

We went for a lovely walk on the beach, even on a cloudy winter day it's beautiful!

Jessie age 3 months

A portrait of the dogs. Neddy is on the right and Bella, Mum and Dads dog is on the left.

Last Friday we headed to the home and garden expo, Bradley liked the kids area, not sure I was ready to be dragged in !

Neil has been busy building this beautiful outdoor chair for Bradley with some scrap timber. It is amazing!

And last but not least some father daughter shots especially for Neil's mum!

1 comment:

mom said...

loved the photo's we are looking forward to see bradley again and jessica for the first time