Saturday, December 30, 2006

An Evening Drive. Friday 29th Dec

Most of the day was spent, unsuccessfully, shopping for baby things. All the items we wanted(the big things) were not included in the sales, so we ended up with just a blanket and a few clothes. Lets hope Bradley doesn't make an early arrival as we are nowhere near equipped yet!

At sunset we decided to jump in the Ute and explore Cooloolabin Dam to see what it was like at low light. It was pretty nice but no big sunsets tonight.

We carried on up a dirt track about 10km to a lookout called Point Glorious which was definately worth it. Too late for sunset but still managed a snap for future reference.

On our way home, from the ute we saw a bandicoot, a barn owl and another snake! Cath's favourite way to view snakes is from her high up seat in Tanky.

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