Saturday, March 03, 2007

Bradleys First Week at Home

Bradley as been enjoying his days at home. He's been very busy feeding and sleeping, sleeping and feeding! Life is good with our little one but like all new parents a bit more sleep wouldn't go a miss.

We have ventured out to the doctors, shops and to visit Daddy at work, all very exhausting especially for his Mum!

Heres a few shots from the week.

Bradley with my Mum, we forgot to mention Bradley arrived on my Mum's birthday. A lovely present, her first grandchild!

Bathtime, after a lot of screamimg at the hospital when he had his first bath Bradders is now enjoying bathtime a lot more. They taught us to hold him with his tummy in the water as a calming technique, it seems to do the trick with Bradley.

Snug as a bug in a rug!

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